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Monetize your Instagram - get your product idea, Brand Book and step-by-step plan for launching your successful sales on Instagram!

With help of Feyablanche's Signature Method, we will create your Product in 5 simple steps.

Who is this for?


For those who want to higher a class of the product (along with their income, of course)

We all know a rule of business success - a tweed suit will be more expensive in a Chanel store than at a flea market. I help my clients to create the high-class product, which will allow them to position themselves on a market and increase their profits.

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For Instagram bloggers who want to start getting money from their Instagram

They already have loyal followers and Personal Brand developed. They only problem is they don’t have a clear idea of what they will be able to sell and how to start building a powerful brand with a stable income


You are investing in a long-term strategy

You don’t want to settle for less or mediocre. You want your product to become a legend. Your product must become a role model for an entire market. So you are seeking for an expert assistant - from creating a philosophy, working with the target audience to making each Customer Touch Points incredibly aesthetic and remarkable.

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Our work will be divided into 5 stages:

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Stage I

Filling out the questionnaire "Personal Audit"

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Stage II

Defining the Product

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Stage III

Customer Avatar Analysis

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Stage IV

Famous Personalized Session with Feyablanche - Product Creation

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Stage V

Brand Book of your Product

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Stage VI (Bonus)

1 month post-service guideline


What will be exactly developed:

Defining the nature of your product

Creation of the fundamentum of your product

Name, Motto and Slogan

Packages, Types and Pricing Policy, Visual Identity

Target Audience with the clear statements for creation the right social media content

Product Sound

Operational Details (what needs to be created to launch the product and successfully operate afterward)

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It was super important for me to build
the process that will inspire you
to create your own Legend


We choose CORE EMOTIONS your product will be associated with


We clearly show what TRANSFORMATION your client will be going through


Core IMAGE, SOUND & ARCHETYPE that will explain your product without words

Packages and Prices:

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